In our humble opinion, Boston is the best. Recently named one of America’s 10 happiest cities, it’s an amazing place in which to live, learn, work, and play. So what if rent is too high, you’re still paying for your college degree, your dating life is a debacle, and doing business isn’t always easy? Our happy little Hub offers many silver linings, many of which can be seen right from your office windows.

Yes, it’s been a long work week, and transitioning from summer is no easy feat. But you made it to Friday, friends, and now it’s time to sit back and swoon. Behold: some of the best Boston views area offices have to offer.

Have an enviable office view? Share a link in the comments below, and get in touch to learn more about featuring your place of work in front of Boston’s smartest, savviest, and fastest-growing audience.