We’re a week away from Halloween, and at this point, you should have an idea of what costume you will be sporting. After all, we’ve given you not one, but two lists of 2012 Halloween costume ideas and a detailed editorial on why you’ll look dumb if you dress up as a sexy hamburger this season. But even though you may think you have the best Halloween costume idea in 2012, it doesn’t mean you’ll be the only one sporting that look. Yes, I’m even talking about you’re hilarious, one-of-a-kind Romney mask (it is election season, after all). We’ve rounded up five Halloween costumes you’re guaranteed to see at every single party this year, and what is says about those wearing them.

Katniss Everdeen

Congrats on reading a book this year! Oh, what’s that? You skipped straight to the movie?

You are a girl with brown hair who knows how to French braid it. You’re too lazy to buy an actual costume, and you already own boots and green jacket. You may sex it up by wearing booty shorts.

Where will you ever find a Mockingjay pin, though? Eh, screw it. Everyone will know who you are regardless. Because there will be at least four other Katniss’ within 10 feet of you at all times.

Big Bird

Ahem, I think this would be an appropriate place for a “Condescending Wonka” meme.

You like current events, but not anymore than the dude next to you who is still talking about Gronk posing with Bebe Jones. You’re probably not even registered to vote, but damn, you sure do like a good political joke. Brobama would be proud.

Honey Boo Boo

You’re sassy (read: bitchy) and want an excuse to get away with it all night while simultaneously practicing your Southern accent. You also want an excuse to wear your fifth grade dance costume and as much blue sparkly eyeshadow as CVS will sell you. Also, you’ve heard “go go juice” (Honey Boo Boo’s mixture of Red Bull and Mountain Dew) is perfect as a vodka chaser.

That said, I am dressing up as Honey Boo Boo this year. Do with that information what you will.


You’re a dude who wants to capitalize on a relevant 2012 event, but being a binder full of women is just too much effort, and your abs aren’t good enough to go as shirtless Ryan Lochte. Maybe your friend is dressing up as Bane. Maybe not. Whatever.

You’ll purchase a $39.99 Batman cape from iParty, wear some black pants and try to look half as cool as Christian Bale all evening. Here’s to hoping you find an equally as apathetic Catwoman to end your night with. Meow.

PSY – Gangnam Style

You just want an excuse to wear sunglasses and dance like a horsey all night. No shame in that. If I didn’t already purchase my Honey Boo Boo-esque tutu, I’d be all over this one.
