In light of the stream of sexual assault allegations against comedian Bill Cosby, Worcester’s Hanover Theater has canceled his scheduled February 6 performance.

According to CBS Boston, 1,300 of the 2,300 tickets had been sold for the upcoming performance, when the promoter of the stand-up show orchestrated the cancellation with Cosby’s agent. So far, upwards of 20 women have come forward to accuse Cosby of sexual assault, with the allegations spanning over several decades.

In other cities, the comedian’s performances were protested by crowds outside of the theaters, including Toronto, where Cosby made light of the accusations during his set. When a woman in the front row got up, Cosby asked her where she was going. She said she was leaving to get a drink, to which he replied: “You have to be careful about drinking around me.” Many of the allegations against Cosby involve him drugging his victims’ drinks in order to take advantage of them.

In Boston, Cosby has two back-to-back scheduled performances on February 8 at the Wilbur Theater. As of now, they’re still going on as planned, but one organized group has already made plans to protest the show. You can find details about the protest, which currently has 152 listed attendees, on Facebook.

From the event’s description:

We are united with survivors who have come forward (and those who have yet to & choose not to report or share their stories) against Bill Cosby and his war against women. With over 30 survivors, countless interviews & articles written, why is The Wilbur inviting him to perform? This is not a conspiracy against him or his legacy, this is an uprising of truth. Because it has taken over thirty years for these stories to be considered valid, their voices and message will not be silenced. 

Currently, tickets are still available for both of Cosby’s shows at the Wilbur, unless the Boston theater decides to follow suit with Worcester.

Image via Randy Miramontez/Shutterstock