If you weren’t enjoying a relaxing seaside Labor day vacation, it’s probably because you were moving. Well, congrats on surviving falling window units, tailgating taunts and crashing Uhauls. But, unfortunately, that means you also missed this past weekend’s Boston Arts Festival in Christopher Columbus Park. The festival was jammed pack with decorating ideas and inspiration from local artists- perfect for your new tabula rosa of an apartment.

Luckily for you, I’ve got the recap on where to find unique art work- perfect for decorating your new walls and new bookshelf (hopefully, not from the street). While checking out the ‘Ahts’ Festival, I was delighted to find a good sized crowd mixing and mingling with some of the very best of the Boston arts scene. Most artists enthusiastically explained their work to the curious bystanders and to the artistically-challenged (like myself). If you’re going to decorate your apartment sans DIYing everything, you might as well go local. It’s the next best thing, after all.

So, check out this local art for inspiration and decorating. And, if you like what you see, contact the artist.