The Boston Chamber of Commerce hosts a variety of themed forums every month to cater to the city’s business community. In April, The Chamber will feature Executive Forums, Government Affairs Forums, a CEO Breakfast and Women’s Network Breakfast each headlined by an A-list executive.

On Tuesday, April 2, the first Executive Forum will kick off with Craig Bromley, President of John Hancock Financial Services, who will talk about the local company’s involvement in the Boston Marathon from a sponsorship perspective. He’ll also be looking back at the tragic explosions that tore through last year’s 26.2 mile race and examine how individual citizens, nonprofits, the medical community, government and businesses have made a consolidated effort to improve the 2014 Marathon in all respects.

Following Bromley’s discussion will be more by the likes of media superstar Arianna Huffington and Boston’s homegrown Mayor Marty Walsh, as well as state Treasurer and gubernatorial candidate Steve Grossman and Simmons College President Helen Drinan. Fun fact: Mayor Walsh’s chief of staff, Dan Koh, was formerly General Manager of HuffPostLive.

Though Bromley’s topics of discussion are already laid out, it’s unclear at this time what Huffington and Mayor Walsh have in store for us. These Chamber events have proven insightful for those who attend in many respects. For example, back in January, Red Sox and Boston Globe owner John Henry took to The Chamber’s Executive Forum to talk about more intricate details and future plans for his then-recent acquisition of the Globe.

At a non-chamber event, the 82nd annual Boston Municipal Research Bureau meeting,  Mayor Walsh announced plans to further cultivate Boston’s business community through keeping nightlife and the MBTA open later, as well as budgetary items and further moves towards citywide transparency. Though Chamber events don’t necessarily equate in size, scope and substance to ones like the Municipal Research Bureau’s, the point is: significant speaking engagements like these can be the site of political bombshells hopefully for the better. No holds barred. Onward and upward.

Stay tuned to BostInno for more information about Craig Bromley’s chat tomorrow and the subsequent discussions to come. In the meantime, what would you like to hear from Bromley, Arianna Huffington, and Mayor Walsh? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.