If you’re anything like moi and like to procrastinate (guilty as charged), then you’re probably waiting to get your holiday shopping in last minute. Understandable – except now we have one, rather altruistic, reason for you to indulge in your holiday shopping early this year (as in tomorrow).

That’s because on Tuesday, December 10th, Boston’s Artists for Humanity will be hosting their annual “Greatest Gifts on Earth Holiday Marketplace.” The event features one-of-a-kind art and design gifts made by local teens who hail from low income families in Massachusetts.

33 percent of these students are selling their items at Artists for Humanity’s holiday marketplace in order to support their families during the holiday season. While over half of them come from “very low income homes” and 46 percent are from single parent homes. But regardless, the creative gift items are certainly worthy of gift-wrapping status.

Executive Director Susan Rodgerson told BostInno that “Each year, we are blown away by the creativity and thoughtfulness that teen artists and their mentors pour into their artwork and gifts, which are then featured at the marketplace.”

Rodgerson continued, “We organized this event to support our mission, which is to bridge economic, racial and social divisions by providing under-resourced youth with the keys to self-sufficiency through paid employment in the arts.”

The event will be held tomorrow, December 10th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Artists for Humanity Epicenter. All proceeds will help support these creative local teens. Check out some of their works (below) and let us know which is your pick!