Defined by innovation and an undercurrent of rich history, from our leading companies and cutting edge startups to our government and top tier colleges, Boston inspires. This photo series aims to capture it. Enjoy!

The 125 startups who made it into this years $1M MassChallenge global startup competition started filing into their cubes on the 14th floor of One Marina Park Drive in the Innovation District this past Friday. This morning the teams kick off a week long bootcamp, filled with advice and access to mentorship and resources from prominent leaders here in Boston like Emily Green (President, Yankee Group), Bill Warner (angel investor and seasoned entrepreneur), and Scott Griffith (CEO, Zipcar). Gathering together with Boston’s Dropkick Murphys blasting, MassChallenge’s John Hawthorne kicked off the bootcamp moments ago, describing these 125 innovators as “saviors of the local economy.”

We look forward to following and covering the week’s bootcamp events. If you’d like to following what’s happening, following the #mcbootcamp hashtag on Twitter.

Snap an inspiring photo you think is feature worthy? Send us a note!