In the spirit of Boston innovation, here are four  Boston-based Kickstarter campaigns either kicking off or winding down this week. Check ’em out and spread the love.

Boston Latino Heritage Project – 8 days to go, $5,000 goal ($2,800 raised so far)

A video project being launched by local Latina educator Eva Gerena who, when working on developing a Latino heritage lesson plan for her classroom, was faced with a serious lack of resources. She is now working with the Boston Latino Heritage Project to put together a video history project highlighting the “legacy and contributions of Latinos in our community aiming to inspire future generations to view their own possibilities for leadership as limitless.”

Gerena plans to make the video public and available for other educators to use to celebrate Latino heritage.


Dynasty Football – 24 hours to go, $15,000 goal ($3,839 raised so far)

Eric Kneipfer wants you to take fantasy football to a whole new level.

With Dynasty Football you not only build a team, you create a franchise. By choosing everything from athletes’ backgrounds to the coach’s history to team social dynamics, you play God and watch your cyber players duke it out for the championship.

Just in case you never wanted to leave your house again.

Infinite Scroll Issue #2– 27 days to go, $750 goal ($121 raised so far)

Infinite Scroll is a Boston-based magazine “made-up of lingual and visual representations commonly referred to as Art.”

 The first issue is currently available at Weirdo Records in Central Square, Black Ink in Harvard Square, Magpie in Davis Square in Somerville, and online.

This Kickstarter aims to fund Infinite Scroll’s second issue, because Boston needs another offbeat, indie publication… but come on guys – art!


BICALook Social Network Project – 47 days to go, $45,000 goal ($0 raised so far)

All country, all the time.

The BICALook Social Network Project, brought to you by the Brazilian International Cowboys Association, aims to create a social network platform for cowboys and girls across the country together, online, to celebrate the country style of life.

No, really. (We think. But honestly, a 47-day Kickstarter campaign with zero dollars? Who even knows what’s a hoax these days.)


All images/videos via respective Kickstarter campaigns.