“A Day in the Life” is a series where we’ll profile a variety of residents to get an intimate glimpse into their day-to-day. These are your neighbors. Get to know them.

What’s it like to perform day in and day out at one of Boston’s top comedy venues, Improv Asylum on Hanover Street? We decided to find out by asking one of their stars, Matt Catanzano. The improv veteran works full time as an Improv Asylum performer, writer, director and teacher. When he’s not busy working at the North End venue, you can find him writing, producing and directing sketches for his web series “Simply Unemployable.” Or pitching hilarious web series ideas to Above Average Productions in NYC like the one (below) called “The Sexy Monster Mash.” While no two days are the same for the Boston-based actor, here’s a small glimpse into Catanzano’s daily life.

How do you spend most mornings?

I’m an actor. I sleep late if I can. Living in Boston doesn’t exactly help that though. It feels like my building (and every building) has been under construction forever. Once I’m up, I check calls, then texts, then email, then I check social media, then I check the hits/comments on my YouTube videos, then I get out of bed. (I should note that checking hits and comments on YouTube is a super unhealthy thing to do and I don’t recommend it to anyone)

What are the top priorities on your to-do list right now?

A lot of writing assignments. We have a holiday show coming up at the end of the month at Improv Asylum that I need to finish sketches for. Richie Moriarty and I have a pitch session this month with Above Average Productions so I need some web series fleshed out. My top top priority is to get a sketch ready to shoot and scheduled for my YouTube page “Simply Unemployable” for November.

Which Improv Asylum show has been your favorite this year and why?

We just finished the Halloween show and that’s my favorite. Now to be fair, it’s a show I started four years ago at Improv Asylum, I direct it, I write for it, and I’m in it. So I’m biased, to say the least. Every year we come up with an entirely new show and the cast is so good.

What is the worst part and the best part about your typical day?

The best part of my day is performing. I’m lucky enough to have a job where I can spend my days shooting videos, writing or auditioning, and then I perform or teach seven nights a week. Right now I’m performing every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I direct a show on Sundays and I teach Tuesdays. It’s the best.

It’s hard to find a worst part. I would say mornings, because I’m not a morning person. Or, if I have an audition that day, there’s a good chance that will be the worst part of the day. I tend to feel terrible after auditions so that time from when I’m leaving the casting place to when I get back to my apartment is usually … not … great.

If you could impart one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?

All the happiest people I know do stuff they like. Some are lucky enough to actually like their job (like me). And others don’t like their day job but have some other hobby that they enjoy whenever they can. I’m always amazed at how many people are in our Improv Training center but have no plans of doing improv outside of the classes. They just love having a night a week where they do something different and fun with a group of people.

What would you do if you were suddenly granted a day off from work tomorrow?

I perform for a living! We don’t want days off. I wouldn’t know what to do with it. (That’s not true, I’d go to the movies and see as many things as possible in that day).

What’s one TV show you can’t live without right now?

Look, I know how this sounds, but I’m really enjoying Sleepy Hollow right now. I know, I know, but I can’t help it. It’s really fun. Ichabod Crane is crushing it on that show.

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

Making a to-do list, but not because I’m really organized. I like to make to-do lists as a way of procrastinating and putting off the things on the list that I should actually be doing instead of making a stupid list. It’s a vicious cycle. If you’ve ever crossed “Make a To-Do List” off a to-do list then you know what I mean.

Think you have an interesting day-to-day life or know someone who does? Send an email to marian@americaninno.com/boston and let us know!