“A Day in the Life” is a series where we’ll profile a variety of residents to get an intimate glimpse into their day-to-day. These are your neighbors. Get to know them.

At the start of the new year, many of us make resolutions we’ll never really keep. Our busy days seems to get in the way of those self-promises of a healthier, more active life. That’s why we’ve recruited Vyda Bielkus, co-owner of Health Yoga Life studio in Beacon Hill, to help get you back to a positive state of mind in 2014.

Bielkus, who co-owns the yoga studio with her sisters, has been called a “true role model” and “wonder woman” by those who know her. Not only does she co-own and run the Beacon Hill studio, but she also runs workshops and volunteers her time helping others.

Here, Bielkus gives BostInno a glimpse into her daily routine – as well as tips on how to stay focused, balanced and fit in 2014.

How do you spend most mornings?

Before I get out of bed, I meditate on having a positive day. A strong cup of Yerba Mate (an Argentinian Tea) wakes me up. With that I read all my emails, create some social media posts for Health Yoga Life, and do a quick review of the world news. The morning is one of the few times during my day, I am not “on” so I like to make sure I don’t schedule meetings or calls before 10 a.m.. Perk of owning your own business!

What are the top priorities on your to-do list right now?

Leading a quick 4 day yoga retreat to a warm location.

Creating a new marketing campaign for our yoga teacher training and life coaching programs.

Checking-in with my real-estate broker regarding available spaces.

signing a contract for our teacher training in Stratton, VT this summer.

Ordering cute yoga clothes for our boutique.

Writing a review for our Health Yoga Life Sister Review Blog.

What do you enjoy most about owning and running a yoga studio?

I co-own the studio with three amazing women, my sisters! So that has to be one of the best parts about my work. Another great thing about owning a yoga studio in Boston is the people I get to meet! Sometimes in a world of cellphones, tablets, and over-scheduling, life can feel isolating; our yoga studio is the perfect antidote.

What is the worst part and the best part about your typical day?

The best part of my typical day is knowing that my work isn’t about making a thing better –  it’s about making people better.

The worst part of my day is the moment I realize I don’t have the extra hour to finish what I thought I would get done that day.

If you could impart one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?

Learn to meditate. So even if you’re reading this thinking ‘my mind never shuts up,  she’s crazy’,  this is the year to do it! Learning to mediate has extensive and tangible benefits. It will reduce stress, make you more efficient, bring more happiness into your life, and will serve you in your professional and personal life in ways you can’t predict.

We live in a nonstop world!  You need to create 20 minutes once a day when you shut everything off, align your spine (either sit or lie down straight) and be with yourself! The people in your life will thank you for it. I promise!

What would you do if you were suddenly granted a day off from work tomorrow?

I’d drive to the Cape and visit with my 98 year-old fiercely independent and resilient grandmother. We’d order a mushroom pizza and play the card game Gin. I’d let her win, and she would laugh because she can no longer really see the cards. But we’d really both enjoy the moment, as we both know these moments are fleeting.

Do you think everyone should make a New Year’s resolution to start practicing yoga in 2014 and why?

Absolutely! There is no other exercise that works the body-mind connection like yoga. If you want to be strong and flexible and a little less reactive to life’s challenges, yoga is a must!

At our studio, we offer Beginner classes, All-levels classes, Restorative classes and more. At Health Yoga Life we want to make it easy for folks to try out yoga and so we offer great trial rates: $25 for two weeks or $45 for one month of yoga for new students!

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

Practicing yoga in our heated studio on The Hill and getting the chill out of my bones!

Think you have an interesting day-to-day life or know someone who does? Send an email to marian@americaninno.com/boston and let us know!