Well, I think it’s safe to say that 2014 is off to an interesting start here in Boston. With Winter Storm Hercules making its mark across the Northeast, chances are you’ve probably put more thought into stocking the pantry, tracking snowfall totals and even eyeing your neighbor’s generator than you have your own New Year’s resolutions.

But the same can’t be said for some of Boston’s best chefs, and most enthusiastic foodies. No, it seems these folks have resolved to take 2014 to the next level. From “twerking” and monkey crocheting, to more family dinners and more steak, here are Boston restaurateurs, foodies and chefs most candid New Year’s resolutions.

Jenny Johnson, Co-Host of NESN’s Dining Playbook

“I always eat at a fast and furious pace so my New Year’s resolution is to take smaller bites, savor the flavor and to remind myself to stop and smell the garlic…and the roses.”

Andrew Bonner, Chef at The Blue Room and Belly Wine Bar

“Keep New Year’s resolutions…ahhh!; Eat less bread (some days it seems that’s all I eat); Build a garden in my backyard; Travel somewhere warm and swim in the ocean; Finish stuffed monkey crochet project I’ve been working on for 4 years.”

Tony Messina, Sashimi Chef at Uni Sashimi Bar

“I want to be more organized in 2014. So many times I think I have a great idea and never write it down. After five minutes, it’s already gone. 2014 will be the year I actually start using my clipboard instead of doing everything from memory.”

Monica Glass, Pastry Chef at Clio and Uni Sashimi Bar

“I never really make a ‘New Year’s resolution’ because I believe the typical resolutions become empty promises to oneself… That said, if I had to choose a resolution, it would be to learn how to twerk in 2014.”

Dave Andelman, CEO of Phantom Gourmet

“My resolutions are to dine out 1,000 times, with at least 250 ethnic venues (not including Italian or Chinese), to work on my fear of delivery, to buy forks for my house, and to eat a whole steak for two by myself.”

Brian Poe, Chef & Owner of The Tip Tap Room

“Truthfully, this has been my resolution for the past 11 years that I keep on my fridge…and I stole it verbatim from Chef Lydia Shire:

To only butter one side of my toast!

That crispy chicken skin is not to be thought as a vegetable!

Mai-Tais are not to be served in punch bowls!

Champagne is not a diet soft drink.”

Rich Vellante, Executive Chef of Legal Sea Foods

“One of my resolutions is to choose four cookbooks and cook as many interesting recipes as I have time for. One cookbook per quarter!”

Josh Lewin, Executive Chef of Beacon Hill Hotel & Bistro

“My biggest goal for the new year is to make sure my staff stands out through the measure of our innovation, skill, and accomplishment in serving our community.”

Paul Barker, Owner of Pauli’s

“I am designating a family dinner night (Sunday) that everyone must attend. This is a great way to keep our family together and engaged.  I have also decided to not use my cell phone during work meetings, social events or dinner.  I think everyone needs to start living in the moment.”

Dan Schroeder, Executive Chef of Forum Bar & Restaurant

“As a passionate home brewer who has finally settled into my new digs, my resolution for 2014 is to brew more beer—and drink it of course!”

Image via HuffingtonPost