Lately it seems everyone is going koo-koo for coconuts. And if you are currently (or soon-to-be) guzzling Vita Coca at your desk, I have some rather disturbing coconut news. I’m afraid that everyone’s favorite tropical drink may soon be running low on supply. Yes, it’s true. According to Quartz, “The United Nation’s Food & Agriculture Organization warned on November 1 that global demand for coconut products is outpacing the rate of production in Asia, where about 85 percent of the world’s coconuts are grown.” That to me spells: not good.

And the shortage won’t only affect our coconut water supply but anything else containing coconut including oils, food etc. With the wide array of products out there, I’m fairly certain there are more than a few coconut lovers in this city. Just recently, we’ve witnessed a rise in coconut water brands as well as consumption. And I know I’m not the only one who’s chowed down on coconut chips and coconut ice cream — no regrets.

But this rise in consumption (including mine) has only added to the coconut craze. According to Quartz, “World-wide consumption of all things coconuts has jumped over the last decade” as indicated by the fact that “between 2009 and 2012, exports of coconut oil from Asia have grown about 3 percent a year.” The most popular coconut products, “coconut water and milk, used in drinks and health products, make up 30 percent of global coconut consumption.”

But with production of coconut products in Asia increasing at the slow rate of 2 percent, it doesn’t seem anyone is able to keep up with our love of coconut. The reason? Quartz reports that since “most coconut trees in Asia… were planted just after World War II,” they’re now over 50 years old and losing productivity. Apparently, “coconut palms are the most productive between the ages of 10 and 30.” Fun fact of the day.

I don’t know about you, but I’d happily volunteer to plant more coconut trees in Asia if it meant avoiding a coconut water drought later. But maybe that’s just me. Here’s hoping for a new crop of coconut palms to help replenish our coconut water supply before it’s all gone. And we thought that global wine shortage was bad…