Sticking to your long list of pie-in-the-sky New Year’s resolutions can be a tough task. Especially if you decide that 2014 is finally the year you’re going to get healthier, smarter and overall, more awesome. These kinds of resolutions take real willpower and commitment to stick with it – even when it’s the last thing you want to do.

And sadly, it seems that most people just give up come February or March. Two or three months in, and you practically forget you ever made a resolution to begin with. Hey, we’ve all done it – falling off the bandwagon becomes way too easy once the freshness of the New Year has worn off.

But not this year.

That’s because this year, you’re going to make a resolution you will actually keep. And to get you started, we’ve got a few tips that will help ensure you actually stick with this year’s resolutions.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with resolutions

This tip is clutch when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Don’t make too many – because what are the chances you’ll actually stick with all 20 resolutions you make? Not great. It’s better to make a few solid resolutions and concentrate solely on those efforts. It will make a world of difference.

Be realistic

So you want to climb Mt. Everest, or date a supermodel? Good for you. But chances of that working out are slim-to-none  – meaning, it’s time to make more realistic New Year’s resolutions. Instead of telling yourself that you will go to the gym every single day for the next year, try going at least 4 to 5 times a week. Be realistic about your time and you’ll find keeping that resolution won’t be such a strain on your life, after all.

Be specific

This tip is another very important factor in whether or not one keeps their resolutions. If you tell yourself – I’m going try more restaurants this year – that won’t achieve much. Be specific. Write down a list of 20 or so restaurants you want to try this year and stick with it. The same goes for getting healthier. If you want to become a better running, set a specific goal. Maybe it’s an upcoming 5k or a marathon at the end of the year but be specific.

Outline a plan

Some New Year’s resolutions require a plan or schedule. Because the truth of the matter is, we’re all busy people. We can’t always remember to eat a healthy lunch or go for a run every single morning. But having a plan on paper with a clear set of goals will increase your motivation. Just make sure you write a realistic schedule with the intention of improving yourself gradually over time.

Find a buddy

Finding a friend who has the same New Year’s resolution will make keeping yours a whole lot easier – as long as they also plan to stick with it. This year, find a walking partner, a gym buddy, or even someone else who’s trying to save money – and you’ll be much more likely to stick with your resolutions as well. By holding each other accountable, both of you should be able to stay on track in 2014.

Reward yourself

And the best part about keeping a New Year’s resolution is rewarding yourself for sticking with the plan. If you reach your monthly goal – get your hair blown out, treat yourself to a fancy restaurant, get a manicure or a massage – you deserve it. All it takes is a little motivation, planning and commitment. Happy New Year, everyone!