Let’s face it – we all need our personal space. Especially when it comes to your morning and evening commutes on the MBTA. There’s nothing (and no one) more obnoxious than a space invader, close talker or toe-stepper as you make your way (slowly) via public transportation. But alas, it seems there’s one industrial designer who not only feels your pain but has also invented a vest that will inflict pain upon those pesky space trespassers.

Yes, the Spike Away vest picture above is legit – so watch out! The hilarious invention is intended to make your body a no-touch zone, keeping space invaders away from your personal space. And we thought a toilet plunger would be the next “hot” MBTA accessory… think again.

According to CNET, the vest was invented by industrial designer Siew Ming Cheng, who created the vest for a workshop at the National University of Singapore. Cheng explained that “Trains are usually crowded during peak hours. Everybody will push each other to try and get onto the train. How can I protect my personal space? The idea was then conceived,” according to CNET.

The Spike Away vest certainly looks futuristic, if nothing else. And believe it or not, the vest was created with materials “from the gardening section at a hardware store.” Which means that you, my friends, are just as capable of throwing this vest together. All you need are strips of “spiky, plastic material” meant to “keep prying birds and curious cats out of plants.” And a few cable ties to hold everything together.

Bizarre? Sure. Genius? Absolutely. Efficient? Definitely. I’m fairly certain that this scary piece of clothing will send way-too-cozy travellers in the other direction 100 percent of the time. Now, that’s a fashion faux pas I could seriously get behind (just not too closely).

Image via CNET/photo credit: Siew Ming Cheng