Why is it that so many people feel guilty about leaving their office desk for lunch? It could be that at many workplaces “taking a break” of any kind, whether it be lunch, a workout or an appointment, is often met with a bit of hostility and judgmental looks. But one rather unexpected company wants to change that. Staples Advantage, the business and office supply store, has launched its first-ever “breakroom food truck” tour.

Fortunately, the food truck is not packed with staplers, binders or office supplies, like one might expect. Instead, the Staples Advantage truck is looking to spruce up your office breakroom with coffee, snacks, beverages and cleaning supplies. The truck will be passing them out at the locations (below) throughout the next couple of weeks.

I don’t know about you, but taking a break from work to clean just doesn’t sound all that appealing to me. I do, however, appreciate the idea behind the truck. According to the company’s website, Staples Advantage food truck’s purpose is to “keep employees happy, healthy and more productive.”

Here’s where you can find the breakroom food truck in Boston:

  • October 15- Government Center
  • October 16- Dewey Square
  • October 17- Small Business Expo, Hynes Convention Center
  • October 18- Haymarket
  • October 21- Government Center
  • October 22- Haymarket
  • October 23- Dewey Square

I can’t honestly say that I’d skip the Taco Party Truck in lieu of Special K snack bars from Staples but, for what it’s worth, I’m interested to see whether this marketing tactic proves successful with Boston professionals.

 Image via Facebook

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