You, like hundreds of others in Boston, might have missed out on the fact that the joyful spirit of the holidays was actually present long before the Christmas season even arrived. But PJA Advertising sure didn’t. The ad firm thought ahead and took the holiday spirit to the streets with their recent street piano holiday music experiment (above).

Many of you remember the street piano exhibit, “Play Me, I’m Yours,” which celebrated the 75th anniversary of Celebrity Series of Boston. From September 27 to October 14 this year, 75 pianos were placed around the streets of Boston beckoning residents to sit and play music for the public – in hopes that the joy of music would be enjoyed and relished by the city.

But as this PJA experiment wistfully points out – “nobody really paid any attention.” Instead, many of the musical notes were overlooked by passersby too busy to notice the holiday “street spirit.”

PJA’s “street spirit” experiment was carried out by multiple piano players around the Hub, all of whom performed their renditions of the classic Christmas carol, “Let it Snow.” And you’ll notice that while the upbeat holiday favorite is being played, many onlookers barely seem to notice the music – some even seem slightly annoyed with the holiday ruckus.

But while the bystanders may have tuned out the jingle, the message behind PJA’s experiment certainly can’t be ignored this season: “The holiday spirit is easy to miss when you’re not looking for it.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. And as you find yourself overwhelmed with gift shopping and planning this busy season, just pay attention to the “street spirit” of the holidays – it’s all around.