Let’s face it – the modern dating world can feel like an endless cycle of highs and lows – kind of like of this single girl’s internet dating chart. Instead of asking someone face-to-face on a date, we’d rather text, Facebook stalk, or swipe (on the Tinder app). But if you happen to be one of these online or mobile daters out there, it may be time to get a bit more choosy – with names, anyway.

Because according to Time, some significant other names are just better. A domain name-selling website called Siteopia.com polled around 2,000 people, asking them “what kinds of names they associated with people being good spouses.” Obviously, this survey wasn’t exactly scientific – so, take the results with a grain of salt.

However, most people surveyed seem to agree that the number one “best wife name” in the world is Katie. Not a complete shock considering there are a million Katie’s out there. Coming in at second was Sophie and third, Louise. The other “best wife names” were: Sarah, Emily, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Amy, Jessica, and Lucy.

As for the men out there, you better hope you have one of these very husband-like names. Coming in as the “best husband name” was David, a popular and common-enough name. The second “best husband name” was Andrew and third, Daniel.

As for the rest of the “best husband names,” they included Paul, John, William, Simon, James, Chris and Stephen.

I guess my name just didn’t quite make the cut. What about you – are you marriage material?

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