The sixth–third this week–and final #LabDebate on “Arts and Culture in Boston” finished shortly after 4 p.m. ET, Thursday. Candidates Charles Clemons Jr., John Connolly, Rob Consalvo and Mike Ross answered questions from two moderators in front of a crowd, seemingly eager to laugh whenever the mayoral hopefuls touched on popular culture.

For the first time this week, the #LabDebates featured all four scheduled candidates — only three showed up at each of the previous two — which helped make today’s mayoral forum the longest of the week, lasting just over an hour.

Yes, serious issues were discussed, including: the recent molly overdoses; the citywide crackdown on 18-and-over clubs; medical marijuana; why Boston is behind other major cities in terms of public artwork; and how to promote the work of local artists. When it came time for the candidates to talk about their taste in music, movies, or self-branding, laughs generally followed.

Ross made a Footloose reference; Clemons Jr. sarcastically questioned Consalvo’s disclosure that he is not, in fact, related to Mayor Menino; Connolly joked that he would erect a Mount Rushmore in Boston featuring himself; and Consalv0 reminded people that Fever Pitch is his favorite Boston movie, which prompted raised eyebrows and polite jabs from his competitors.

A takeaway from today was that all four candidates agreed on one thing: Boston needs to invest more in the arts, promote artists, and offer more venues that expose people to numerous genres and forms.

Consalvo acknowledged he respected the voters’ choice to legalize medical marijuana; Ross pushed education and public health initiatives to combat drug addiction and substance abuse; and Connolly reminded everyone that molly is not the only drug in Boston.

There were some pause-worthy moments — like Ross discerning the differences between rap and hip/hop — but for a debate that stood to alienate some of the younger voting set from the talking heads on matters of social relevance, each candidate held their own.

Below are tweets from today’s #LabDebate:


Boston Comment (@BostonComment)





Charles Clemmons Jr. (@charles4boston)


John Connolly (@JohnRConnolly)



Rob Consalvo (@RobConsalvo)



Mike Ross (@MikeforBoston)