Meet “Batman,” a Boston Police puppy prospect, trying to make it to “The Show.” He’s cute and tiny – two facts that, unless you’re a cold, heartless human being, become even more perfecter when he decides to try on a XXL bulletproof vest for dogs.

The nine-week-old German Shepherd could become a member of the BPD’s K-9 unit, CBS Boston reports. But it doesn’t matter whether Batman can actually start protecting and serving the city; Batman is already a hero.

Standing at the feet of head trainer Officer Troy Caisey, Batman is too I-literally-can’t-even to care that the bulletproof vest doesn’t come close to fitting (read: includes room to grow).

Batman, according to CBS Boston, will appear in the 2015 calendar for Vest-A-Dog, an organization doing God’s work by providing bulletproof vests and first aid kits to the BPD’s K-9 squad.

Photo via Massachusetts Vest-a-Dog