2008 Menino mayor Boston Massachusetts.jpg
Mayor Thomas Menino in 2008 (Photo by Dan4th Nicholas, CC BY 2.0)

Last night, it was confirmed that former Boston Mayor Thomas Menino had been diagnosed in early February with an advanced form of cancer.

Update: Menino has announced he’s suspending cancer treatment.

According to the Boston Globe, Menino’s now undergoing chemotherapy treatment for the cancer, which has spread to his liver and lymph nodes. The source of the cancer couldn’t be identified, and the cancer was only discovered when the former mayor saw his doctor about chronic weakness in his legs.

While he undergoes chemotherapy, Menino plans to carry on his current work at Boston University. He told the Globe that he’ll get through it – and that he doesn’t want people feeling sorry for him. But when Menino exited office in January of 2014 after 20 years as the city’s mayor, we all looked upon his lengthy term with a unique affection, and now, we can’t help but all feel jolted by the news. Last night, State Senator Linda Dorcena Forry announced that this morning’s St. Patrick’s Day breakfast would be dedicated to the former mayor.

Here’s a glimpse of how Boston reacted on Twiter to word that Tom Menino is fighting advanced cancer, and our best wishes go out to the former mayor as he undergoes treatment.