Image via Jack Kelly

The iRecover app, a sort of Facebook-Twitter hybrid network to bridge recovering addicts with each other and afflicted families, has big plans for the new year. The brainchild of former Boston City Council candidate Jack Kelly, the app is now available to download on iOS devices and Kelly is aiming to raise a $300,000 funding round in 2015.

According to the Boston Business Journal, Kelly is wrangling up angel investors and hopes to grow his user base to 20,000 by this time next year. He told me in an email that he’s also developing an android version for the app.

Kelly, a recovered heroin addict, unsuccessfully ran for City Council in 2013 but on the platform of spreading drug addiction awareness. Though he was unable to snag a City Hall seat, he garnered a wealth of experience in connecting with the public. And, along the way, was able to talk in depth with another noted recovered addict, Mayor Marty Walsh.

Subsequently, the mayor tapped Kelly as a member of his addiction and recovery task force.

“Innovation won’t mean anything if it doesn’t solve these big problems,” Kelly told BostInno back in September.

Unable to directly make a difference through the legislative process, Kelly then decided to create iRecover to make a positive impact on not just the Boston community but the substance abuse and recovery community at large. The reception has been tremendous.

The BBJ noted further that during a two month beta period with 150 users, people weren’t just finding each other but also uplifting each other by posting inspirational quotes and photos.

The app is free to download on iOS devices but stay tuned to BostInno for when it hits the android store. Kelly is looking at January for an official launch of iRecover.