On Tuesday, Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation Richard Davey joined other transit junkies at the Seaport’s District Hall for a panel focused on civic technology and transportation. Secretary Davey mentioned that traffic, the bane of most Bostonians’ commute to the surprise of nobody, is often caused by people looking to park.

In fact, he said that as much as 30 percent of urban traffic is caused by people creeping along, eyes darting left and right, looking for a spot to deposit their car while Boston road rage boils behind them.

And while the use of biking, rideshares, public transportation and next-gen transit lines continue to rise, there are still those who ride their whips in and out of the city, whether for work or otherwise.

A new initiative out of Detroit might be able to curb the Boston’s notorious traffic. According to CityLab, a 10-story parking garage that opened in the Motor City has been doused in public art as a way to not only make Detroit a more vibrant city but also to liven the garage itself, a novel Z-shaped building known as, well, “The Z.”

The project features works from 27 different artists from around the world courtesy of a collaboration between the Bedrock Real Estate, which owns the garage, and the Library Street Collective, a program that features the work of artists who focus on transforming public space.

BostInno reached out to MassDOT to find out if there’s actually a correlation between more parking options and less traffic. After all, with more spaces available drivers should spend less time dawdling and more time parking right?

Probably not. MassDOT wasn’t immediately available to comment.

But as aforementioned, the rise in alternate modes of transportation – putting people in fewer cars – is likely the most efficient answer to torrential traffic.

Still, there can never be too much public art for us all to enjoy. To view some of the work on display in The Z in Detroit, check it out right here.

Image via CityLab via Mark Byrnes