Sometimes Boston is unfairly labeled as an inefficient city (looking at you, MBTA). But Mayor Marty Walsh and his administration have hit the pavement running, literally, putting the Department of Public Works to the test by filling thousands of local potholes spanning hundreds of miles in a matter of weeks. And as Winter Storm Janus bears down on New England, their timing couldn’t be better.

Altogether the DPW packed 2,192 potholes with concrete throughout Boston’s 800 miles of sprawling, crooked roadways as part of its snow and ice control duties.

According to the Mayor’s office, “Over the past two weeks, more than half of the [pothole] cases reported for street repair came via constituent services reports,” a means of transmitting pothole request submissions through the Mayor’s Office of Constituent Engagement to one of 10 Public Works district yards.

“On day one of my administration, I spoke with Interim Commissioner Dennehy about the importance of keeping our roads in good shape for our residents and visitors,” noted Mayor Walsh in a statement. “I especially want to thank our Public Works crews for their hard work over the past two weeks as we prepare for our first storm together.”

It’s really an amazing feat by the DPW when you come to think about it. In the past two weeks, accounting for 10 business days, they tackled over 200 potholes daily.

But they couldn’t have accomplished all of this without your help. To better engage the Boston populous when it comes to fixable public works projects, they’ve enlisted help by striking a chord that rings true among contemporary times: a mobile app.

The Citizens Connect app, available for both iOS and Android, allows for Bostonians to take a picture of something busted or broken, add a location, and send it along to the applicable office. Users can then share reports with friends if they so see fit and keep track of other reports to bolster the relationship between government and the people while the municipality takes care of business.

Be sure to get in touch with the DPW and Office of Constituent Engagement if you have an issue that needs dealing with before Janus strikes The Hub. For more information on parking, roadways, and travel updates stay tuned to BostInno’s winter storm coverage.