When any company buys Software as a Service (SaaS) there is one thing they are always expecting – increased velocity and productivity. That is exactly what Bullhorn, which delivers staffing and recruiting software, offers to its 16,000 users during some 270M monthly transactions.

The director of product marketing, Jonathon Wall, summed up the Boston-based company’s goal well when he told me, “Bullhorn’s SaaS-based approach provides freedom and flexibility to our customers.” The company’s goal is also to have their customers live within the software 100% of the time. Part of that is serviced by Bullhorn’s ease of access — users can not only access Bullhorn from within their local networks, but also from any computer or smart phone because it is totally web-based.

Wall told me, “Our customers love that they can get to anywhere in the product with just one click, and that they can very easily multitask.” This all-in-one staffing service is unique within the industry; most of Bullhorn’s competitors offer some of their services, but not all in on place.

Instead of having to deal with a slim, prepackaged service, companies can select whatever features they want most in Bullhorn and also bring their own developers in to customize Bullhorn’s offerings even more.

One key service they offer at Bullhorn is the ability to easily post and receive job listings to multiple career search sites. This eliminates the need to keep track of multiple usernames, and cuts out the time it takes to switch sites to add listings to multiple job search sites. It also makes it easy to keep track of what jobs have been posted and where.

Bullhorn appears to have all the major functions an employee at a staffing firm could need. Users can also sync existing Email accounts into the software, as well as being able to make calls right from within the program.

Along with these features, Bullhorn also provides a powerful applicant tracking and CRM tool. Customers can track every step of the application process, from posting the opening, to receiving applicant notifications, and on to matching a candidate easily in one interface.

The most unique and innovative piece of Bullhorn’s offering is their recently released Bullhorn Marketplace.

“Our customers can now go to the Marketplace and choose from prebuilt, Bullhorn vetted solutions that extend Bullhorn into areas such as back office integration, Vendor Management Systems, assessments and a lot more,” said Wall.

While Bullhorn provides strong value with the customer solutions mentioned above along with many others, they also are able to use Bullhorn as a valuable customer research tool internally. With over 16,000 users, they can track in what way everyone uses their services, and adjust their product accordingly.

The bottom line?

Bullhorn is constantly iterating to better serve customers, and if customers can’t do something they want to with the software, they can develop on the platform themselves.

Bullhorn has seen a huge amount of growth recently, making them a valuable member of Boston’s growing technology driven business-to-business (B2B) community. Wall also mentioned that Bullhorn might soon be releasing some very innovative new technology that has to do with predictive candidate search over a larger reach of job boards.

Opening up platforms for outside developers can be very strong offering for companies, but it can also let things get somewhat out of your control. Is this a smart offering for a company like Bullhorn? Do you use Bullhorn? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

To learn more about Bullhorn, follow them on Twitter @BullhornLive.