People love to hate on Boston stereotypes. How many “You Know You’re From Boston When…”-type articles have you read that include items like, “You hate when people say ‘Pahhk the cahh in Havaahhd yahhd'” and other local idiosyncrasies pertaining to the Hub? I see them all the time. An unofficial survey from BuzzFeed UK, though, brings the hate to a whole new level.

A new BuzzFeed post details how their British brethren over at BuzzFeed UK feel about every single U.S. state, including our own fair Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It’s all in good fun, of course, though BuzzFeed UK might touch a nerve with the approximately 20 percent of Bostonians who claim Irish heritage. 

Other Massachusetts stereotypes make sense. “Hard to Spell” pretty much goes without saying, as does “Harvard,” “Apples,” and “Mark Wahlberg films.”

It’s interesting, too, that the British correlate “Puritans” with New Hampshire when Boston was founded by them in 1630. Don’t get me wrong, New Hampshire has a deep-rooted ancestry with Puritans, as well, but not quite as deep as Boston’s. Get your shit together, UK.

As for the rest of the country, you’ve got to feel a bit bad for the Midwest, which is peppered with the likes of “Empty Space,” “Where?” and “Literally Nobody Ever Goes Here.”

And props to BuzzFeed UK for including a Game of Thrones reference in Alaska. “White Walkers” are definitely up there in the tundra.