Earlier in August, Dunkin’ Donuts, the preferred coffee and donut purveyor for dedicated New Englanders, made the pilgrimage to the West Coast. While a few Dunkin’ Donuts locations do exist on a military base and in a at least one hotel in California, this newly opened Santa Monica location is the first traditional franchise to grace the West Coast in over a decade.

For those living in California, Dunkin’ Donuts is something often heard about, but never tasted. Here in Boston, we have the choice between Dunkin’ and Starbucks, but Californians have been living a less privileged lifestyle. Like In-N-Out Burger, Dunkin’ Donuts was simply a legendary concept to these poor civilians.

Until, of course, one opened this summer.

To prove the true value of our beloved chain, BuzzFeed Video ran a taste test on opening day. Lines stretched around the corner, but the question remained: Would these DD noobs be impressed, or underwhelmed? After interviewing new customers as they tried donuts, iced coffees and breakfast sandwiches, the answer was unanimous: They loved it.

Watch the video above, as proud as parents on their kid’s first day of school; but first, a few gems:

“I’m guessing it’s how East Coasters feel when they have In-N-Out Burger. Like you don’t want to admit it’s that good, but you’re like, dammit. It’s really good,” says one reformed Californian while trying a frosted donut for the first time.

“East Coast people must be really lazy, like they can’t put cream and sugar in their own coffee?” says another woman, with sort of a fair point.

Also on iced coffee: “Really creamy.” Nailed it. 

You’re welcome, California, for the gift that is Dunkin’ Donuts.

Featured image via YouTube