Updated 6pm: The case on the Citizens Connect website now reads “Closed. Case Resolved. Code enforcement has tracked company’s address and contacts; will be issuing violation for commercial dumping.” HA HA, suckers!

Well, at least one Boston resident wasn’t going to take this jab lying down. Following the incident in Copley Square this afternoon in which a pawn shop staged an elaborate delivery of thousands of Butterfingers mocking Wes Welker, a concerned citizen decided to report it.

Using the Citizen’s Connect app, the iPhone user posted the following photo of the Butterfingers, with the message “Near Trinity Church, company named PawnGo has littered the sidewalk.”

Fantastic use of Citizens Connect, sir. Almost as funny as the person who reported an ox as graffiti via Citizens Connect. Suck it, Pawngo. Now, we can only cross our fingers that the company gets a littering ticket for each and every Butterfinger.

The award-winning Citizens Connect app launched in November 2010 and allows Bostonians to use their smartphones to send reports and photographs of issues that need to be addressed across the city like potholes and graffiti… and now candy bars.