With summer vacation in full swing, some of us may have a few more extra hours on our hands than usual and with that said; we wanted to take a moment to talk about the importance of giving back.

As a family owned business, we value the importance of community and believe that we all have a societal responsibility. As operators of the projects we work on, we are dedicated to beneficial partnerships with the communities we work in. Giving back to the places we are involved with is an extremely important part of our business and we are firm believers that businesses should encourage investments in the communities around them. There are so many ways to give back and donating money or sponsoring events are not the only options. Volunteer your time. Create a team for a walk, run, bike ride or golf tournament. Fundraise. Participate in events. Create awareness on social networks.  The possibilities are endless.

Our employees also take an active role in community service. In May, we partnered with St. Judes of Massachusetts and a number of local businesses for a fashion show in Wellesley. The special evening also included a premier silent auction, cocktail reception and an expert-led scotch tasting by Sons of Liberty. See? Giving back also has some other kinds of perks I bet you never even thought of! Overall the event raised $150,000 to benefit the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. 

Employees of J.M. Electrical have been involved with local events benefiting Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk, Easter Seals, Pan Mass Challenge, Jimmy Fund and many more. J.M. Electrical is also very active in Rotary and supports a number of local schools and universities.

In the end, no matter how you participate in giving back, you will feel rewarded. This we guarantee!


Matt and Paul Guarracino outside St. Jude Hospital, Memphis, TN