Recently Janet, our CEO here at InCrowd, wrote a post regarding the company mission; sharing the idea that we don’t want to be a market research provider. Our goal at InCrowd is to integrate real time data in your daily business processes.


More on the topic: InCrowd is on a mission… but maybe not the one you think

The speed of business is rapidly accelerating, how does a company keep up? How does a company not only keep up but more importantly stay ahead of the market? At InCrowd we believe the answer lies in using relevant and timely market feedback to support your daily business decisions – we call this real time data.

Seems like InCrowd and Forbes share this thinking. A recent Forbes article, Fast Data Gets A Jump On Big Data, addresses the idea of real time data supporting business critical decisions. At InCrowd we refer to fast data as real time data, At Forbes they used the term in-flight data. Whatever you call it, real time data is quickly becoming a norm in daily business decisions.

That’s one smartCROWD that recognizes the value and growing role of real time data in the overall business process. The Forbes article offers some nice examples of how real time data is being applied in different industry settings.

Are you using fast data when making daily business decisions? If not, how could real time data support your decision-making? Let us know your biggest business challenge and how real time data could be of help.