Dennis Rodman is in North Korea again visiting his comrade Kim Jung Un, the rowdy dictator who may or may not have killed his ex-girlfriend via firing squad last week. Rodman has become something of an unofficial diplomat to the impoverished Asian nation, having paid a similar visit back in February upon the return of which he called Kim “a friend for life.”

Oh, and while the two talk basketball Rodman might let it slip that Kim ought to release American prisoner Kenneth Bae who is sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for allegedly attempting to smuggle photos of starving Nortj Koreans out of the country.

What Rodman’s true aim for his trek to the other side of the globe really is remains to be seen. After tweeting for the release of Bae, the New York Times reports that Rodman has no plans of discussing the situation further with Kim, telling Reuters “I’m not going to North Korea to discuss freeing Kenneth Bae. I’m just going there on another basketball diplomacy tour.”

Whatever that means.

United States special envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues Robert King was scheduled to travel to North Korea capital city Pyongyang but Kim’s country rescinded the invitation three days later, leaving poor Mr. Bae working eight hour days as his health slowly continues to fail him.

As for Rodman, we know him and Kim are united under the banner of basketball but why the two need so much bro time is something of an anomaly. Outside of the hall of famer and former Chicago Bull rebound hound, no other American is thought to have pleasure of making Kim’s acquaintance.

Whatever the motives behind Rodman’s trek, it’s probably safe to say there’s been no weirder pairing in the history of international relations. In that respect, here’s an interesting collection of photos depicting the two hanging out as friends.
