This edition covers influencers shaping digital health, social media resources for pharma careers, insights into the development of physician’s attitudes towards the pharma industry, issues around big data without context and opportunities to maximize the value of digital health accelerators:

– compiled Fifteen Influencers Shaping Digital Health, identifying those that are making a difference in health by bringing biology and technology together. Don’t miss the comment section, there are a few additions to the list

– Eye on FDA put together Job Hunting? – Social Media Career Resources in Pharma, a handy list from their ‘pharma activities in social media’ database, providing potential job seekers with an overview of the types of social media career resources provided by industry

– Physicians’ attitudes towards the pharmaceutical industry can form early in their careers, but little is known about this key stage of development. Medical Students’ Exposure to and Attitudes about the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Systematic Review  from Public Library of Science (PLOS)  is a review reported according to PRISMA guidelines to determine the frequency and nature of medical students’ exposure to the drug industry, as well as students’ attitudes concerning pharmaceutical policy issues

– Turns out Google’s Flu Trend algorithm was looking only at the numbers, not at the context of the search results. Disruptions: Data Without Context Tells a Misleading Story from The New York Times highlights Google Flu Trends as an example showing the problems of big data without context

– HIT Consultant shares 5 Opportunities to Maximize the Value of Digital Health Accelerators, an overview and infographic of data from a California HealthCare Foundation report identifying five opportunities to maximize the value of digital health accelerators

That wraps this week’s review of news from and for the pharma market research community. I’ll leave you with an invitation to learn more about the benefits of real time data and offer you a personal demo of InCrowd’s on-demand platform providing you direct and immediate access to Crowds of screened and targeted healthcare professionals.

Do you have tips, suggestions or resources you’d like to share? Drop us a comment, suggest topics you’d like to see covered in future posts and always feel free to pass this along!