2013 is here, and you swear it’s going to be your year. Whether your resolutions have to do with work or weight, we could all stand to unsuck ourselves in one way or another. But why should betterment be limited to one’s own self? What about the charitable organizations and countless causes in need of support? Who’s going to help them start the year off right?

You, that’s who. We’re hosting a game night on Thursday, January 10th at Game On!, and we’ve teamed up with the Life is good Playmakers to let you in on the fun. For only $15, you’ll get to Play It Forward with trivia, baggo, and batting cages, and all ticket proceeds will benefit the Playmakers, who harness the power of play to help kids overcome poverty, violence, and illness. That’s right, while blowing people away with your knowledge of (seemingly) useless facts, tossing a bean bag with unparalleled precision, or taking a turn at bat like Big Papi himself, you’ll be making a positive difference in a child’s life.

Since when was unleashing your inner kid a good thing? It wasn’t, until now. Kick off the New Year with fun, games, and prizes, and if you start to feel guilty about what a blast you’re having, just remember that it’s for a good cause. Sign up below, spread the word (#BinnoMeetUp), and we’ll see you on the 10th.