The rumors are true – Dunkin’ Donuts has officially hopped aboard the cronut bandwagon.

The food hybrid trend, which became famous over a year ago (thanks to the Dominique Ansel Bakery in NYC), has made its way from high end French bakeries to generic coffeehouse chains, apparently. Starting November 3, Dunkin’ Donuts will launch their own version of the croissant-doughnut hybrid, according to their Twitter account.


But when asked whether Dunkin’ was copying the Cronut sensation, John Costello, president of global marketing and innovation at Dunkin’ Donuts, told the Associated Press, “no.”

“Are we copying a specific bakery in New York? The answer is no,” Costello states in the report. He also claimed that bakers have been creating doughnut and croissant hybrids for “at least 20 years.”

The Associated Press article also reports that Dunkin’ first introduced the croissant-doughnut to the world last summer in South Korea, naming the baked good a “New York Pie Donut.”

And apparently, this croissant-doughnut hybrid isn’t the only new thing coming to a Dunkin’ Donuts near you. The coffee and donut chain will be introducing “several new offerings” due to increased competition from fast-food chains such as Taco Bell’s new breakfast offerings and McDonald’s possible “McBrunch” (we hope).

But regardless of how original this croissant-doughnut may (or may not) be, we aren’t ashamed to admit our excitement over Dunkin’s new cronut-like pastry. Let’s just hope the Dunkin’ line is nowhere near as long as the 4-hour wait New Yorkers were forced to endure to obtain their cronut-fill.

Image via Dunkin’ Donuts