The latest amazing infographic from SocialCast is on motivating employees. The infographic mashes research that increasingly show how monetary rewards don’t necessarily match up with employee happiness and the desire to stay with a company for a long period of time. Here are a couple of my favorite points regarding the tangible vs. the intangible as employee motivators, and scroll below to enjoy it more fully. (If you need a larger image, simply click the link above which will take you to the original post.)

  • GenY employees prefer flexible working hours over flexible hours, because we want our jobs to fit into our lives and not the other way around
  • Go figure: there is a huge discrepancy between what employees want from their managers when it comes to motivation, and what their managers think they want (65% of managers think money is most important in motivation, but only 18% of employees do)
  • Cultural differences matter — a lot — if you look to the stats below on how Germany and Japan compare