EdDavis helped guide Boston through one of the city’s most trying times in its long, storied history. As Boston Police Commissioner, Davis helped lead the charge in hunting down the suspects of the Boston Marathon bombing while also taking the helm of recovery efforts. He’s since retired from the force, stepping down last November, but his expertise will not be going to waste.

A current fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, Davis has signed on to local new station WBZ-TV as a security analyst to weigh in with knowledge on “legal issues, trials, and law enforcement news” according to the station’s affiliate online publication CBS Boston.

Said Mark Lund, President and General Manager of CBS Boston’s WBZ-TV and myTV38:

Ed Davis is widely regarded as one of the top law enforcement figures in the country. Over the course of his distinguished career, Ed has dedicated himself to serving his community, securing the safety of our neighborhoods and region, and bringing criminals to justice. His outstanding legal experience and leadership have been evidenced on many occasions but none more public or acclaimed than his handling of the Boston Marathon Bombings investigation, manhunt, and arrest. There is no one who can contribute expert analysis to security and law enforcement coverage the way that Ed Davis will to WBZ-TV News.

With notable trials, like those for accused Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez, poised to captivate Boston and Massachusetts at-large, Davis’s frank character and factual reasoning on these matters will result in logical analyses needed to properly understand the often-times convoluted nature of courtroom proceedings.

To show just how capable Davis is of performing to the utmost, consider these impressive stats pulled by WBZ to exemplify his stellar career: “In the first three years of his tenure as Commissioner, shootings were reduced by 40%. Over the span of seven years, serious crime was reduced by more than 30%.”

If anyone knows how to dissect crime reduction and methodology, it’s Davis. If you happen to catch him in action on the tube, be sure to let us know how well you think he fared. In the meantime, let us know your thoughts on his new gig in the comments section below.