Here in Boston, we’d like to think we’re in nerd heaven. But the same can’t be said for the rest of Massachusetts. At least, not according to real estate website Estately’s latest study. According to TIME Magazine, the website recently published “a list of the nerdiest states in America,”and our state just didn’t make the cut.

In order to assess each state’s overall nerdiness, the website analyzed Facebook data, examining the percentage of users who listed the 12 criteria (below) as interests. The Facebook interests criteria included: Star Trek:  The Next Generation, Cosplay, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Anime Movies, Dungeons & Dragons, LARPing (Live Action Role-Playing), Doctor Who, Fantasy Lit, Lord of the Rings, Magic: The Gathering, and Comic Books.

Yep – that sounds about right.

But according to the rankings, Massachusetts came in at number 44 out of 51 (including D.C.) – putting us in “nerd hell.” Other states that are apparently terrible for nerds include D.C., Mississippi, New Jersey, Georgia, Alabama – and practically every other southern state.

According to the study, the number one best place for nerds is Utah – followed by Alaska, Wyoming and Idaho. It seems that the wild wild west is perfectly suited for nerds.

While Boston certainly has its fair share of nerdom, we simply channel it towards other feats – like… starting companies, research and medicine (among many others). But if you’re looking to shamelessly indulge your inner-trekkie, we recommend heading to Utah – where you can “talk nerdy” all you want.

Image via Estately