Last week, seventeen Boston Globe Your Town neighborhood Twitter accounts asked Boston to tweet about their commutes on the T, and then label their anecdotes with either #MBTAannoy for negative experiences, or #MBTAbrag for positive rides.

Guess which hashtag saw more usage?

You got it. #MBTAannoy gathered together a slew of T-bashing Twitter rants. It seems just about every aspect and line of the T is #MBTAannoying, from breakdowns and back ups, to delayed arrivals and snail-like speed. What got Twitter users most riled up, however, was simply the other annoying people who ride the annoying MBTA.

We’ve all been there: a packed train leads to a closer proximity with strangers than one would ever wish for. And as more and more people are filing onto T trains each month, there’s no end, or empty train, in sight.

From broken rules of proper seat etiquette, to subway intoxication, shoving, spot-stealing, and space invasion, T riders seem to be suffering from internal rage directed at their neighbors as they silently squish in, awkwardly grabbing each others’ hands rather than railings, and stepping on toes (figuratively and literally). Taking to Twitter to vent such aggressions is probably a better option than physical confrontation, especially since ‘Can’t we all just get along?’ doesn’t seem to be an option at all.

As for #MBTAbrag? Just four riders tweeted (sincerely) about positive T rides. Yikes.

Here are the highlights from #MBTAannoy. Have a miserable Monday commute? Share your #MBTAannoy story below.