Outside of the BostInno office in downtown Boston, a seagull caught in a tree struggled for hours on end to free himself from the Christmas lights that adorn Quincy Marketplace. The Animal League of Boston was on the scene as quickly as possible in this frigid New England weather, and tirelessly attempted to free the gull from the confines of the branches.

They too struggled for at least an hour, chipping away at the branch with an extended saw that didn’t bring them nearly as close as they would have liked to the our winged friend. Eventually, though, they cut the seagull loose and after it looked like he might fall to the brick pathway below due to his exhausting struggle, he flew away as if nothing had even happened.

One Quincy Market employee told us that he had never experienced anything like that during his time on the staff. But before BostInno was able to chat with the Animal Rescue Leaguers who emerged as heroes, they packed away their equipment and likely set off on their next assignment.