Mayoral candidate Felix Arroyo released a new  30-second campaign ad over the weekend, featuring his wife and Boston Public School teacher, Jasmine Acevedo, and a roomful of children.

“What can Boston’s future look like?” Arroyo asks, as the camera scans a diverse group of boys and girls seated on the floor.

Arroyo’s ad references closing the achievement gap in order to give families a “pathway out of poverty and into the middle-class.”

“Together, we can build a better Boston,” Arroyo says, surrounded by young children and his wife.

The ad closes with Arroyo fielding, and answering, a question in Spanish, posed by a young girl. Arroyo chose not to include subtitles — a possible attempt to embrace, rather than distance, Boston’s substantial Hispanic and Latino population.

“More than fifty percent of students in our Boston Public Schools speak a language other than English in their house and like all of our students, they deserve a quality education,” Arroyo said in a statement.

Photo via College Democrats of Massachusetts