Firefox add-ons make using Google services easier than ever.
Firefox add-ons make using Google services easier than ever.

Back at work and looking to save time this year? Pairing Firefox add-ons with Google is like using up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, select, start at the office!

If you’re an avid Firefox user, you probably know that there are thousands of Firefox add-ons to make your browsing experience better. These are generally easy to install and remove, and they can make repetitive tasks much less time consuming.

If you use Google services, you know it can be difficult to utilize them all without spending a ton of time opening and closing browsers.

Put the two together and BAM! You’ve got some killer add-ons that make using Google faster and easier. Here are five combos that rock:

1. Google Toolbar
The add-on by the Google geeks themselves: From your Firefox toolbar you can Google-search. (Who would have guessed?) More importantly, you are also able to shortcut to all kinds of Google services with customizable buttons. Throw in thousands of non-Google buttons (including Facebook, Youtube, Pacman, and just about anything else you can think of), and you’ve got an indispensable add-on for everyone on this thing we call the interweb.

2. Google Shortcuts
Though Google Shortcuts also provides you with some taskbar buttons to shortcut Google services, it keeps things simple and down-to-business. The buttons are limited to Google services including Gmail, maps, notebook, transit, etc. Some of Google Shortcuts’ features may be redundant to the Google Toolbar add-on, but as they say, different strokes for different folks. So if you’re looking to avoid the temptation of adding the Super Mario World button to Google Toolbar, look to Google Shortcuts to keep you focused.

3. Gmail Manager
For those of us with multiple Gmail accounts, it can seem like you spend half of your day logging in and out of Gmail. The Gmail Manager add-on lets you access all of your accounts from an icon at the bottom of your browser window. Just add your accounts and switch between work and personal with an easy click.

4. GCal Popup
With GCal Popup, you can pull up your Google Calendar instantly as a pop-up that overlays on the current browser window. You can edit and organize the calendar from there, too. This is a must-have for people who rely on Google Calendar. Stop wasting time linking through Gmail every time you need to remember whether that dentist appointment is for 1:00 or 1:30.

5. Integrated Gmail
Integrated Gmail saves time when you’re logged into Gmail, but need to use other Google services in the same window. It displays any other Google services you want as expandable tabs right above your inbox. If a buddy sends you an address, just open the maps tab and plug it in for directions — all in the same window. Integrated Gmail simply keeps your browser neat and clean.

Got a Firefox add-on that you think rocks with Google? Drop us a comment and let us know.