Forbes today released its annual Midas List, an attempt to rank tech VC’s by performance based on exit data. It’s a pretty rough measure, once you read up on the methodology, which admittedly has no way of knowing the actual IRR of the investments in question. Here’s the short version on how it works:

Our formula gives more weight to recent exits than older exits, to give credit to the best investors now. It also gives more weight to earlier investors in a company, who take greater risks, than later investors in the same company. While we do not have exact cash-in, cash-out or IRR data for every venture firm or individual, we believe our system is the best way outside of that return data of analyzing venture capitalists’ performance.

Not surprisingly, the list is California-heavy. But for what it’s worth, there are five familiar Boston faces on it. Below are the four Boston VC’s who made the list, with descriptions via Forbes.

Am I missing anyone? Let me know.