Mitt Romney sings. He dances. And now, he slow jams the news.

Yes, its true. On Friday night, the former Republican presidential candidate appeared on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” where he gave viewers the latest news headlines – including a very (not-so) serious update on tomorrow’s State of the Union speech. And, he did it all while maintaining a straight face. Kudos!

Even when Jimmy Fallon followed up Romney’s “wire tapping” news with his oh-so-smooth comment – “President Obama looked at the American people up and down and said, ‘I’d tap that’” – the former governor of Massachusetts somehow managed to barely break a smile.

Romney, who was called uptight and even awkward during the past presidential election, is now seemingly gaining a little bit of street cred from the average joe. And with last week’s release of the Netflix documentary, “Mitt,” you’ll only be seeing more of him (and “Roma Lama Ding Dong”) on your screen.

But he does make (very) clear during the slow jam that he won’t (repeat: won’t) be running for president in 2016. Or as Jimmy Fallon calls it “sloppy thirds.”