NEXPO is right around the corner (on March 26 to be exact!). Curious about what ventures will be present at NEXPO? Here’s a sneak-peak of five that will be showing off their stuff on the exposition floor! It’s just a small sampling of what’s to come at Northeastern’s Entrepreneurship Expo, so don’t miss out!

Flytenow is a service that offers ride sharing in small planes for an affordable cost. The company was born out of the idea that pilots are flying small planes everyday with empty seats that could be utilized by passengers. The idea came about when the founders discovered it was too difficult and expensive to rent a plane.

The Photography League provides an online platform connecting photographers to share their photos, learning from other aesthetic perspectives and creating a broad, creative network. Their website offers a space to contribute to projects, critique portfolios, collaborate with photographers and learn from expert advice.

3-Spark is a leader in the 3D printing industry, with a product that aids designers and engineers in the prototyping phase. Their product prints parts that can be embedded with electronics for the purpose of revolutionize prototyping for all. The printer speeds up the process and creates better, smarter prototypes.

Samurai Investments is a platform that guides new investors through their first trades by tracking market trends and suggesting smart investments. They offer free trend watching and low-cost, one-time, trading rates to streamline investors’ first purchases.

Sol Power LLC provides a solar powered charging station for cell phones and tablets. This station is a secure way to charge your phone on the go without the need to drag a charger around. Each station has 15 lock boxes that charge your devices using 100% solar power.


Check out these and IDEA’s other 50 ventures at NEXPO on Wednesday, March 26 from 6:30-9PM in the Northeastern University Cabot Center. Click here to sign up!