This week we look at the role of gamification in pharma, tips for gaining insights from big data, a new web community that could lead to a patient revolution, the impact of Canada’s trade negotiations on pharma patents and we wrap with the abundance and potential of medicines currently in the pipeline for seniors:

– Deployed appropriately, the motivational design techniques of gamification can fit almost anywhere. The Role for ‘Gamification’ in Pharma from pharmaphorum explains the basic components and offers examples to help determine the potential benefits of utilizing gamification techniques

– As of 2012, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were created every day and marketers can’t afford to ignore the data coming from an abundance of outlets. All Analytics shares Six Tips for Turning Big-Data Into Huge Insights to help leaders understand how to do it well

– Forbes reports A Former Google Exec Aims To Power A Patient Revolution – introducing Smart Patients, an endeavor from Google’s former chief health strategist. The new web site is envisioned as a combination clinical trials search engine and message board community. The goal is to further empower cancer patients whose relationship with their disease has already been fundamentally changed by the Internet

– As the result of two major ongoing trade negotiations, Canada is facing considerable pressure to implement patent term extensions as a complement to its existing linkage and data protection schemes. Gowlings’ Time for Change? Potential Impact of Canada’s Trade Negotiations on Pharma Patents outlines these recent events and the impact on pharma patents

– World of DTC discusses More than 400 Medicines in the Pipeline for Older Americans which have tremendous potential to improve and extend the lives of seniors as well as reduce costly emergency room visits, hospitalizations and surgical procedures

That wraps this week’s review of news from and for the pharma market research community. I’ll leave you with an invitation to learn more about the benefits of real time data  and offer you a personal demo of InCrowd’s on-demand platform  providing you direct and immediate access to Crowds of screened and targeted healthcare professionals.

If you have tips, suggestions, or resources you’d like to share leave us a comment below and please feel free to suggest topics that you’d like to see covered in future posts.