Word is out that the TUGG Wine & Tequila Party is coming to The Fenway. On April 16th, over 1,500 entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and philanthropists will be gathering in the Landmark Center to celebrate the ever-expanding tech scene in Boston. And where better to toast local innovation than The Fenway, a growing destination for emerging startups such as Ben Fischman’s Launch and Harvard-spun startup Whoop

This annual TUGG bash draws a one-of-a-kind crowd of established CEOs mixed with fledgling entrepreneurs to raise money for six local nonprofits. And did we mention there will be a rather posh selection of wine and tequila on hand?

As a sponsor of the event, The Fenway will be giving away a few pairs of tickets over the next three weeks. Each week, we’ll be running a new contest on our social media platforms and selecting a few worthy winners. (Want in? Follow @thefenway on Twitter and Instagram). Winners will be featured on thefenway.com and receive a pair of tickets to tech’s biggest bash of the year. So without further ado, our first contest:

Tweet three words that describe the Boston tech scene.

Be sure to tag both: #TUGGwp2015 @thefenway

Get creative! There’s too much happening in Boston and too many adjectives in the English language for this not to get interesting. Winners will be announced on Friday and contacted via direct message. Have fun with it (we like a good sense of humor) and stay tuned for more giveaways!

Interested in office space? Contact buzz@thefenway.com for more information.