Guys, we feel your pain. Choosing a first date location can be a tricky decision. You don’t want to seem overeager but you probably don’t want to seem like a total jerk, either. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up some common date spots and determined which are and aren’t appropriate for a first time rendezvous. Several single Boston ladies also weighed in with their opinions, and let’s just say – they didn’t hold much back. You’re welcome!

Coffee Shop

If the two of you decide to meet for coffee, it means you’re a bit more serious about getting to know each other. It also means you don’t have to rely on alcohol for confidence during the date. However, when I asked the ladies there were mixed reviews. One vouched that a coffee date is indeed “Casual, and brief,” putting less pressure on both parties. While another claimed that she would “veto” a coffee date, which should be solely for “networking or catching up with friends.”

Final word: acceptable but not ideal.

An “Outside the Box” Date (i.e. rock climbing, dancing, etc)

An exciting date is a great idea. Not only does it show you care enough to plan a real date but it’s also a fun way to get know the other person without the pressure of constant conversation. “An activity date is a great indicator whether he can have fun in real life and how seriously he takes himself,” one Boston lady tells us. But consider leaving dancing out of the equation because apparently ”dancing can get dicey,” she says with a laugh.

Final word: two thumbs up

A Downtown Bar

If you’re looking to play it safe on a date then stick to the “socially acceptable standard” bar date, according to one Boston lady. Others agreed that this date was really the “ideal” first date but that it’s still important to pick a place that isn’t too loud and somewhere you can actually sit. Also – stay away from Mexican restaurant bars according to this single lady who claims that “No one wants to eat Mexican food on a first date. Holy guacamole, bring me the tequila!”

Final word: easy and acceptable date idea – just avoid that tequila (unless it gets real weird, real fast).

The Mall

Okay, we only included this one on the list because – believe it or not – this “date” happens. It’s not okay or acceptable – and everyone should know that. According to one Boston single lady, this is “only okay if your mom is dropping you off because you don’t have your license.” In other words,  “You’re going on a date with a 16 year old.” Congrats.

Final word: I just can’t.

Fancy Dinner

A fancy dinner dinner is certainly a bold statement. You’re either sure that she’s the one, really hungry or looking to show off. I recommend saving this for a later date. One Boston lady claimed that she would “be wary of some sort of underlying agenda.” Another pointed out that “generally speaking, this is a cockier guy.” Hm. But not according to all Boston women. One exclaimed that “Bring on the calamari and bottles of wine. This guy is a keeper.”

Final word: This one completely depends on the lady, herself. Know your audience.

MFA or Museum Date

This date shows you’re interesting, intellectual but still fun at the same time. Call me a dork but I actually think this is one of the best date ideas out there. And Boston ladies agree: “Interesting and not boring. Strong indicator that he has interests outside of work, sports and the bar scene. And/or probably a grad student; they get free admission.”

Final word: Do it.

Movie Theatre

If a movie date is accompanied with dinner/drinks then it’s fine. But if this is a stand-alone movie theatre date, chances of you getting to know the other person sitting next to you in the dark are obsolete. One Boston lady claims the date is a “Pretty standard, uncreative option.” And sums this date up best with “What movie do you want to see? I don’t care, you pick. And that’s how you end up sitting through RoboCop.” Ouch.

Final word: Maybe