You’ve probably seen the video of the girl doing flips on a trampoline to demonstrate Google’s arguably most anticipated product, Google Glass. It was cool right? Meh. What was truly mind-blowing was when Google co-founder Sergey Brin interrupted a keynote presentation to share a Google Glass demo that literally fell right out of the sky.

Brin’s video featured two skydivers jump out of a blimp over San Francisco wearing the Google Glass headwear. The video was streamlined directly to the Moscone Center—housing the annual Google I/O—using Google+’s Hangout feature, which allows several parties to access and participate in a live real-time videoconference. Brin said while onstage, “This is one of the things we’ve been experimenting with Glass, the ability to really share. We’ve shown photos but this is something we haven’t tried.”

Here is the video of the Google Glass skydiving demo from Google I/O today.

The exact specs of Google Glass are still undisclosed but we do know some general, though still exciting, things. It’s equipped with multiple mics and cameras, a touchpad on the side, a compass, gyroscopes, and accelerometers; nort to mention the ability for the user to receive texts, emails, music, and weather reports directly to the eyepiece.

To top it all off, the skydivers landed safely on the roof of the Moscone Center. It’s safe to say that the I/O has been awe-inspiring. Coupled with the Nexus 7 tablet, it seems like the possibilities for Google products are limitless and dexterous. The stated goal for the innovational product is to change the world as we see it. Congratulations, Google, it appears that you’ve succeeded with vigor.

Google Glass is available for pre-order but only for those in attendance at the I/O conference and it won’t ship until next year. Be patient though, the release date at its earliest is sometime in 2013.