GSK, Sanofi, Merck, Astellas and Cubist

 – GSK plans to devote time, money and attention to creating complex new neural stimulation devices that could tinker with disease at the cellular level. GlaxoSmithKline Stakes a Pioneering Effort to Launch ‘Electroceutical’ R&D from FierceBiotech outlines GSK’s new initiatives designed to sound the starting gun in a long-running effort to develop new therapeutics that can fight disease by targeting the electrical signals that harmonize human biology

– Sanofi took a lead last year among pharmaceutical companies in developing focused social media channels around diabetes. In Pharma Gets Social: Sanofi Engages the Diabetes Online Community via Twitter  pharmaphorum discusses the encouraging evidence from Sanofi’s activity that it is possible for a pharmaceutical company to immerse itself into an online community using public social media channels, engage a wide range of relevant stakeholders including doctors and play a credible, respected role in that community

– GEN reports Merck & Co. Opens Third Manufacturing Plant in China, which becomes the 72nd in Merck’s global network of manufacturing facilities for drugs and vaccines. The $120 million pharmaceutical plant in Hangzhou, China will serve as one of the pharma company’s manufacturing bases for the Asia-Pacific region

– To raise awareness around the need for more organ donors in the city of Chicago, Astellas and Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network Join Forces to Raise Awareness of Need for More Organ Donors in Chicago encourages the Chicago community to learn more about organ donation and register their decision to donate. The collaboration underscores Astellas’ ongoing commitment to the Chicago community, as well as the national transplantation and organ donation community

– Visiongain’s new study forecasts the world antibacterial drugs market to 2023, as well as providing forecasts for 26 leading antibacterial drugs from six market sectors. A new Visiongain report predicts Cubicin Will be the Leading Antibacterial Drug in 2017 With Over $1bn in Revenue projects the Cubist Pharmaceuticals product will account for approximately 2.5% of the global antibiotics market