I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s experienced a bad first date. We’ve all been there. And inevitably, we’re forced to sneak a text to a friend telling them to call us with an “emergency.” I know this isn’t just me?

Well, now it seems that getting out of this situation just got a lot easier. That’s because there’s a new necklace that can actually fake a call to your phone, rescuing you from future bad dates and bad situations, in general.

Fast Company reported today that the jewelry and Guardian Angel technology “was designed by ad agency JWT Singapore, who were originally asked to create an educational campaign about date rape, but decided to go further than the usual series of ads and try to solve the problem more directly.”

The necklace “automatically triggers a call to a woman’s cell phone” making it convenient to walk away and answer the call, reports the article. If the woman also happens to find herself in a dangerous situation, she can hold down the button to send “an emergency message to a friend with the victim’s exact GPS coordinates.”

The device is brilliant, in my opinion. Not only can it help women get out of bad and/or dangerous situations but it also has the potential to make dating safer, in general.

Not to mention, it can help us get out of those day-to-day awkward turtle-type of situations. For more information on the necklace, check out The Guardian Angel’s website and let us know what you think in the comments below.

Image via JWT Singapore