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Moving this weekend is going to suck. Got to be honest, here. Whether you’re a student heading back to the dorms or apartment hopping across the city. Doesn’t matter. Hailo, however, is looking to help relieve some stress.

Hailo, the smartphone taxi application, will have drivers distribute “care packages” (primarily) to Boston students moving back into their dorms or area apartments on Saturday, August 31 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Care packages will contain: Hint water;  UNREAL candy; Hailo promo codes; and “other surprises.”

“We thought it would be a cool idea to do something we wish wish we’d gotten while moving,” said Hailo general manager Vanessa Kafka.

Hailo drivers will be canvassing  Northeastern, Boston University, MIT,and Harvard campuses. They’ll also be sure to hit up Allston and Mission Hill. Hailo will keep residents posted by live tweeting (@hailoboston) their locations.

Hailo works with with over 1,700 cab drivers in Boston. Saturday’s care package promotion is apart of Hailo’s campaign, which targets local college students.

Hailo’s mobile application allows users to catch a cap from their smartphone.

“We think its a great tool that will help students get around the city,” said Kafka